Our system allows admins/editors to upload events in bulk via CSV. Event data must be formatted to match the template (attached at the bottom of this article). When uploaded, we will attempt to post all new events to your calendar. Any events that do not match your location settings will be posted to our system, though they will not be able to be posted on your calendar.
Using the CSV Template
When selected, you will see an option to download a sample CSV template to see an example of the format required. All the required formatting can be determined from the sample CSV. When your file is prepared, you can choose the file and click to upload.
Event Creator
The first two columns in any row the CSV will determine the event creator account(s) that will own the new event. The system will assign the new events to an account that exists in our system that matches the "Event Creator Email". If no account exists with that email then a user will be created with the corresponding "Event Creator Name".
Character limits
The system character maximums apply for the following:
Date and Time
Enter the date in the exact format seen in the sample CSV. That is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM AM or PM. For example, August 18, 2022 at 7:30 PM would be "2022-08-18 7:30 PM".
Alternatively, you can use ISO 8601 formatting for the date. In the same example, this would be written in ISO 8601 format as "20220818T193000-####" where the value of the last for digits is the value from the "UTC Offset" column found in the list here for the relevant timezone.
To post a recurring event, you can enter each different date as a separate row in the upload sheet. Alternatively, you upload just the first date and then use the event's "Manage" page to add the recurring dates.
You can use the first term or the last term in the category. For example, for the full category name "Arts | Performing Arts | Auditions", "Arts" is the first term and can be used in the CSV. To select the more specific category, you would use the last term, "Auditions" in this example. Lastly, you can specify the category by entering the numeric category_id found in the categories.csv. In this example, the id is 470.
Download the categories.csv here for reference.
Multiple links can be entered, comma separated within one cell.
To input the timezone, use the text from the "TZ Database" column for the relevant timezone listed here.
If tickets are available for the event then there is an option to include a ticketing link and ticket prices. The prices should be entered with three pieces of info separated by commas. The info needed is the ticket name, the cost, and the currency. For example a $15 Adult Ticket would be entered into the CSV as "Adult Ticket, 15.00, USD".
When the upload is processed, the admin or editor user who submitted the upload will receive an email. This will state the number of events created. Any events from the upload that could not be created will be provided in an 'errors' CSV. The reason for the error will be detailed in the last column of each row. Once you fix the identified errors, you can save the 'errors' sheet and upload that to try again.
When an event is successfully uploaded, it will appear in the "Activity" tab as a recently submitted event. Due to system caching, there may be a delay of up to an hour until the event is visible in the front-end calendar view.