"Connected Calendars" are calendars that share events in our system. If you want to connect your calendars, please request it through the link above or reach out to one of our support representatives.
When calendars are connected, any user posting to one will have their event sent to all the calendars. However, the event location needs to be within the coverage area of the calendar. Even when a connection is made, an event will only successfully post to any calendar if it falls within the coverage area for that publisher.
There are two ways to set up connected calendars. The first is the "Web" configuration, where all calendars are connected to all others in a group and any user posting to one will have their event sent to all the calendars (pending location and coverage areas). The second is the "Umbrella and Sub-Sites" configuration, where there is one umbrella site that covers the whole area, and several smaller sub-sites with non-overlapping areas. Any event sent to any of the sub-sites will be sent up to the umbrella site.