This article is for our partners who have enabled the premium print pages option for one or more of their sites. The process typically requires little human intervention once the configuration is set AND editors are making sure there are highlighted events as they manage the online calendar. Here is a brief overview of how it works:
- Events are submitted to your calendar and/or gathered from outside data sources.
- Admins or editor users have selected upcoming events to highlight using the options for "Featured", "Editor's Pick", and "Editor's Voice".
- When the deadline for the print page has arrived, the system will create the PDF and send an email.
How to fine tune your print page
Perhaps there is an event you don't want included in print, or an event you want to be sure is used. Maybe an event needs to be featured on the print page but not on your online calendar, or a featured event has a different image you want to use. All of these are possible by creating a new version or manual draft and using the Manage Events option.
New Version or Manual Draft?
When you select "Create a New Version", the system is grabbing the same data (events, images, event status like 'Featured') that was used for the current version of the print page, this includes any sub-edits you made.
"Create Manual Draft" will grab data from the event list which will replace any sub-edits you made. If there is a new event that has been posted to your calendar since the current version was made, or if you added some new artwork to this edition then you will want to go to the bottom of the current edition and select the option for "Create Manual Draft".
Manage Events before generating a new print page
After a new version or manual draft is made and before the page has been generated, there is an option to manage the events for the new print page. Select the Manage Events option for the version and you can sift or sort through all the events to make adjustments to the event data and status. For any event, select "Sub-Edit" to edit any of the shown items for the event.
Note: the option to change the image used will only save when you have selected it from the list of events to manage so save your sub-edits and then select the pencil icon on the image in the list of events.
Add Custom Artwork for Ad Spaces
You can use the "Artwork" tab when viewing the current or any upcoming edition. Artwork uploaded here will be used in place of any regular artwork saved in the configuration options. This will happen when the artwork is added in the edition before the print deadline. If the deadline has passed, then add the artwork and use "Create Manual Draft" so the new version will pull in that newly added image data.
More print FAQs
How do events get selected?
The system will try to fill the page with events. The system will try to include events for each day. You have the option to prefer an event be included.
How do I get particular events to show?
The system will be deciding which events to include. You can ensure an event will be included by highlighting it with Featured, Editor's Pick/Voice, or simply marking it as "Preferred for print".
Why isn't my page showing all of the dates in the date range?
The system will always try to include a few events for each date in the date range. If you have a busy events calendar then you will want to either limit the number of dates included or request to have more pages added to be able to show all the dates. You can also use the "Manage Events" option in print to bulk reject events from being included to limit what the system is pulling into your pages.