A. There are 2 options: a free version and a paid one.
Q. How does the free version work?
We understand the importance of reverse publishing your online events content to your print newspapers so we have made it super simple to access your events data and export it. The default import data is in JSON. This format can be customized if requested.
You can find additional information about the manual process to print calendars - Here
Q. Can I add import the data with images?
A. Yes, you can. We can set it up the download format with image links.
Q. How does the paid / automated version work?
A. You will receive a PDF / print ready calendar in a weekly basis. The calendar is created with a combination of organic/direct digital sales, data backfill, and the content the editor has created - ie: Editor's voice and editor's pick. The latter is optional - but the print calendar always looks better with the editor's input.
Q. What is the setup process?
A. We'll help you with the overall setup and training. You let us know the page specs (size, number of columns, branding, spacing, etc) and you'll get your print ready pages on a weekly basis.
Q. What are the fees?
A. We work with Metro Creative and their service fee is: $195 for x1 page per month. $100 per additional page. Great value for the revenue you can generate per paper per week (~ $2k)
Q. Can I insert a display ad space in the calendar?
A. Yes, you can. You choose the size.
Please see template examples here and a 3 page calendar example here.
Reverse publishing to print article: here