A partner or portal user has access to both portal level and organization level reports. For information about organization level reports for event, customer, and payout data, you can find that detailed here. Portal level reports will be mixed in with all organization level reports based on report category.
The most commonly used reports are listed with ** :
- Event Management & Operations
- **Sales by Event - This will list all events within a date range for all organizations or for a selected organization and show basic ticket sales data.
- **Event Summary - A summary of ticket sales for an event based on event date.
- Orders - All the detailed information about each order for an event.
- Sales By Ticket Category - A summary of each ticket category's sales for an event based on sales date.
- Ticket Category Summary - Ticket Category Summary.
- Price Level Summary - A summary of each ticket prices' sales for an event based on event date.
- Customer Manifest - A list of ticket and customer information for an event split out by customer.
- Ticket Manifest - This is most useful for event hosts that need a printed list of each ticket to be used for manually managing check-ins.
- Ticket Detail - All the detailed information and amounts of each ticket sold for an event.
- Registrations - This is where event hosts can find answers to the registrations questions for a specific event.
- Ticket Check-ins - A list of tickets sold and their check-in status.
- Held Orders - A list of orders that are on hold.
- Accounting
- **Portal Payout - A list of payouts and amounts by Organization.
- Organization Payout History - A summary of each Organization payout and amounts.
- Organization Payout by Item - The details of what items were included in each Organization payout.
- Transactions - Currently this is the only location where refunded orders will be listed.
- Ticket Detail - A detail of every ticket sold with revenue details and payout status.
- Marketing
- **Customer Summary - A summary of your customer info and their purchase behavior based on purchase date.
- Customer Address - All billing and shipping addresses associated with a customers account.
- Event Summary - A summary of ticket sales for an event based on event date.
- Ticket Category Summary - A summary of ticket sales for an event based on event date.
- Price Level Summary - A summary of each ticket prices' sales for an event based on event date.
- Customer & Donor Information
- Customer Summary - A summary of your customer info and their purchase behavior based on purchase date.
- Customer Address - All billing and shipping addresses associated with a customers account.
- Customer Manifest - A list of ticket and customer information for an event split out by customer.
- Package Manifest - A list of customer, ticket, and event information for package sales.
- Membership Manifest - A list of customer information and their memberships.
- Held Orders - A list of orders that are on hold.
- Organization Management
- **Sales by Organization - A summary of sales for an organization based on purchase date.
- Users - A list of all your organization users and their details.