The "Settings" tab (#1 in the image below) is where one can find all of the options to customize and administrate a portal. Here a portal administrator or account owner can configure contact information for the ticketing site, setup sales taxes and any other additional fees, and add payment information in order to receive ticket fees.
Portal Settings
Clicking on the Portal Settings card will provide the following options:
- Title of the portal and a toggle switch that will disable the ticketing site.
- Banking information, by default, is inherited from the Partner Account. If the portal should receive ticketing fees revenue in an account different than that entered at the Partner account level, then a banking connection can be established here in the Portal. This would be the only reason for editing the bank information in these portal settings.
- Portal Basics (see more detail in section below)
- Additional Fees (see relevant article with more details)
- Fee Schedules for information about how fees are collected and shared.
Portal Basics
When the Portal Basics card is expanded (done by clicking the symbol in the top right corner of the card) you will see the following options:
- Name of the ticketing site and the timezone for the event display times
- The contact information for the portal including the physical address, the contact phone number and email address
- The Logo and Alternate Logo - The Main Logo will appear at the bottom of your site and on all of the notification emails sent by your portal while the Alternative Logo will appear in the header of your ticketing site.
- The Facebook and Twitter URLs for the social link icons
Note the "Save" button at the bottom of the expanded card. You must click the "Save" button for the changes to be made.